Hello, I’m Brandy Sinclair (she/her) and I’m the artist and writer behind what you see here. In addition to writing and art, I’m also a jeweler and metalworker. I specialize in historical items, so if you’ve ever been to the Pittsburgh Ren Fest or Pennsic, you’ve probably seen me around. On that note, I am NOT a doctor or medically-trained person, so don’t treat anything on here as medical advice or fact. If you’ve got health questions, go ask your doctor, not me.
On a more pesonal note, I’m Seneca and Welsh but registered Cherokee with a Scottish last name (It’s kinda complicated). I am happy married to Evelyn, my amazing wife of seventeen years and counting! We have a wonderful kiddo who plays the violin and has so many siege weapons and robots that I’ve lost count. We also share our home with two rabbits, three cats, and thousands of bees. We’re both self-employed, so you can check out our other work via the links below:
If you want to see in-progress shots of the comic, you can follow me on my instagram @Rabbit_Dance_ and watch the pages grow every day. You’ll also see other art, probably some pet pictures, and pics from events once it’s safe to start selling again. If you don’t mind minor spoilers (nothing big, usually only a few pages forward) and want to watch the art happen live, come hang out with me on Twitch! I have a stream schedule up, and I enjoy chatting with people while I work. It’s a lot like when I used to go out and draw in coffee shops with my friends. ^_^ Feel free to ask any art questions you have – I love talking shop.
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