Chapter 5 Progress Tracker

I tried to find way to embed my tracker into the site so that it automatically updates from Google Sheets, but for the life of me, I can’t figure out how to make it work.

All I can offer you is the link, so if you want to follow my progress and see where I am:

Chapter 5 Comic Progress

If you know how to do this, please drop me a line so I can add it as a widget or something! I’d really like for everyone to be able to see it.

Early Comic on Patreon!

Yep! I’ve set up a Patreon for the comic, and I’ve decided to keep things dead simple for now.

For $1, you can see next week’s comic early!

That’s it.

No fancy membership tiers with merch, no digital download packs, no interviews or super-special content. I know what my plate can hold right now! I did set up patron goals so that I’ll add a bit more when I get people, but by the time I hit those numbers I know I’ll be in a good place to handle it.

Those are pretty simple, too – When I hit 100 people, I’ll add some extra art each week, when I get to 200, I’ll put everyone two comics ahead of the site, and when I have 300 people, they’ll be 3 pages ahead. It’ll still only be $1, though.

Will I set it up so that I keep putting people ahead as the numbers grow? I dunno. I know three pages ahead isn’t that hard for me to do, but more than that? I guess we’ll see. ^_^

But for now, I have a simple Patreon page where you can see next week’s comic right now for $1.

Thanks for hanging with me for so long! I appreciate it!
