Panel One: Close-up shot, Cal's POV as his slipper bumps into a scalpel that's laying on the floor. SFX: bump!
Panel Two: Cal angrily gripping the scalpel in one hand while he shouts, "<And why the hell are there so many scalpels on the floor?!>" The background is dark, with black lines descending from the top of the frame and familiar white cracks creeping in from the edges.
Panel Three: "AAH!" Cal cries out, as he throws the scalpel off-frame in a fit of anger. The background is white with a slightly blurry dark crack racing across the width of it.
Panel Four: The scalpel slams into the dart board hanging on the closet door, quite near the bullseye. SFX: THUNK!
Panel Five:A medium shot of Cal, his had still partially extended.
Author Note
Cases Are Surging! Be Safe!
- Bran