Current Voting Incentive - 4 Year Comic Anniversary Picture!

Plague Rat © Brandy Sinclair, 2021 - Book 2, Page 13

Plague Rat – Chapter 2, Page 13


Panel One: Cal is stretched out on his bed, looknig at DJ, who is now seated at his desk. "Yeah," DJ answers, as he drinks his coffee from a large mug. "It's ten o'clock!" says Cal. "So?" "When do you go to sleep?" Cal asks. DJ answers, "Uhm... Two? Maybe?"

Panel Two: Cal sits up on his knees and says, "DJ, you need sleep!" DJ looks over his shoulder at Cal and says, "I need to study." Cal thinks, "Whoa. He's serious."

Panel Three: Shot from behind Cal, facing DJ at his desk. Cals says, "Well, okay. I was gonna turn in soon." DJ's turned and is sitting sideways in his chair. He looks a bit awkwardly to the side as he says, "Oh, right. You've had, ah... Had a day, huh?"

Panel Four: Cal flops back, his head at the foot of the bed and with his arms above his head. He says, "You could say that," as he stares up at the ceiling.

Panel Five: A shot of DJ's hand on Cal's blanket, not far from Cal's side. SFX: -shuff- His fingernails look a bit ragged.

Author Note

And here we see DJ making the understatement of the century. Yes, Cal has had a doozy of a day!

More fun with lighting! I'm enjoying these dimly-lit pages, despite all the extra work. I get to play with mood, and that's always fun. I'm also trying out some new shading techniques, so please bear with me as I muddle around with them.

But in case you missed the announcement - I HAVE A PATREON! A PROPER ONE! I've been agonizing over what to offer people, and what tiers to use, but I decided on something simple that I KNOW I can keep up - See next week's comic early, with occasional, unscheduled art updates. I did set up some goals, though. So go check it out! For just $1, you can read the next page!

Here's to a safe New Year!
- Bran

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