Current Voting Incentive - 4 Year Comic Anniversary Picture!

Plague Rat – Chapter 2, Page 24


Panel One: Matt and Cal carrying a trash can and a mop, respectively. "But why's everyone so loud?" Cal asks. Matt laughs a bit, "Heh!" and answers, "It's the masks. Makes it hard to understand each other."

Panel Two: Matt is opening the door to Cal & DJ's room. Cal says, "Ohh... That explains the accent." "We have an accent?" asks Matt, surprised. Now, it's Cal's turn to laugh. "Haha!"

Panel Three: A wide frame that shows the messy room from the side, facing Cal's half. Doc sits at Cal's desk, putting away books from a small crate near her feet. Jan is hanging up clothes in the closet that she's taking from a large cardboard box. Blanche is sitting cross-legged on Cal's bed, carefully arranging the smaller items from inside it around the open suitcase next to her. They all look up as Cal shouts, from off-panel, "HEY!"

Panel Four: Shot from behind Cal, facing Jan and Blanche. Cal walks angrily towards them and says, "You said you wouldn't clean!" Jan has a smug look as she continues hanging up a shirt and says, "But we aren't cleaning." "Blanche peeks over her shoulder and says, "We're unpacking."

Panel Five: Doc looks at the book in her hands and says, "You didn't say anything about unpacking." Cal crosses his arms grumpily and gives her a petulant look.

Panel Six. "You did this on purpose, didn't you?" Cal asks, turning his glare towards Matt. Matt looks away and admits, with a grin, "Kind of."

Author Note

In which Cal learns a very important lesson in Carrier communication, although he doesn't realize it, yet. My favorite part of the page is the big center frame. Not only are there lots of little details, but I love Blanche knolling Cal's suitcase contents on the bed. As for the accent, I imagine it something slightly nasal and sharp, sort of like the one in Southwestern New York. I don't know if anyone's noticed, but Carriers also tend towards harder consonants in their word choices, and enunciate their words very clearly. Cal uses words like "gonna" and more contractions, in addition to being quieter.

It's hard to believe, but Steel City Con will soon be upon us! O_o If I am very lucky, I'll have print copies available for people to purchase, otherwise I won't have anything new. At least I'll have Issue 1 and lots of buttons and stickers! Come hit us up if you plan on checking it out. ^_^


Reminder to Replace Your Paper Masks,
- Bran

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