Current Voting Incentive - 4 Year Comic Anniversary Picture!

Plague Rat – Chapter 2, Page 28


Panel One: Dr. King looks surprised. "Well... I'm glad to hear that you're being honest with your feelings," she says.

Panel Two: Cal looks confused as she continues from off-frame, "That's the hardest lesson newcomers have to learn."

Panel Three: A wider shot of the office from behind Dr. King. We see Cal sitting across from her, and there's a bookshelf and a calendar behind him. He asks, "Being honest about how you feel?" "Being honest about everything," says Dr. King. "Oh!" says Cal, "That's right, I heard you clould always trust what a Carrier said."

Panel Four: A large frame. Dr. King puts her elbows on her desk and laces her fingers together. "That's becasue we don't lie," she says. "Why is that?" asks Cal, from off-panel. "It's our culture," she explains, "Long ago, people on the Outside didn't trust us. So, we built out society on being as trustworthy as possible." "What happens when a Carrier lies?" "Well, it's not illegal, but it's certainly not going to win you any friends."

Panel Five: Cal smiles and says, "Got it!"

Author Note

Carriers don't lie. Remember a few pages back when Doc pointed out that Cal didn't say they couldn't unpack? She offered to help CLEAN, which Cal refused. Knowing Doc, do you think she phrased it that way on purpose?

This sort of thing is going to pop up again and again, and Cal's just going to have to learn how to navigate it.

But in real life news - Steel City Con starts FRIDAY! Come and say Hi! ^_^ We won't ahve any other books aside from what we already have due to paper shortage (blergh) but we'll have plenty of stickers and buttons!


Wash Your Masks,
- Bran

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