Current Voting Incentive - 4 Year Comic Anniversary Picture!

Plague Rat – Chapter 2, Page 31


Panel One: Cal wakes up, blinking. It's still night.

Panel Two: Cal is at the door to their bathroom, with his hand on the handle. He's looking at DJ, who is alseep in bed. DJ is sprawled on his stomach, still wearing most of his school uniform with just the corner of his blanket partially covering him. His left arm is hanging off the side. On the floor, under his fingertips, is his belt. It looks as though he crawled into bed and collapsed.

Panel Three: A closeup of Cal's bare feet as he leaves the bathroom. He kicks DJ's boot, which is on the floor by his desk. SFX: >Kick!<

Panel Four: Cal looks down, surprised. "Huh?"

Panel Five: A tall frame of Cal looking at the bottom of his foot as he steadies himself on DJ's desk. There's some debris on his foot, and some on the floor. "Wet grass?" he thinks.

Panel Six: Cal is holding DJ's boot and examining the sole. Bits of grass and a small leaf is stuck on the bottom. "Why are his boots wet?" he thinks to himself.

Panel Seven: Cal gives a suspicious look at DJ, who is still sound asleep. He thinks, "Where has he been?"

Author Note

Aaaaand good feelings gone. What do you think DJ's been up to?

I'm still working on getting my buttons up on the site, but I do have good news - I'm going to be at Sci-Fi Valley Con! You can check out the details on their website here. Hopefully I'll have some more comics to sell once I'm there, but I'm still waiting to hear back from my printer. Maybe the paper shortage will have subsided by then?


Keep those hands clean,
- Bran

2 thoughts on “Plague Rat – Chapter 2, Page 31

  1. Clearly he is Batman.

    1. But what if Bruce Wayne had been an overworked med school student?

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