Current Voting Incentive - 4 Year Comic Anniversary Picture!

Plague Rat – Chapter 3, Page 1


Panel One: Cal is laying in bed, blinking in the morning light. "Whuh?" he says, "S'morning?" SFX: -blink- -blink-

Panel Two: Narration: "Last Night" Cal (in chibi form) is slouched in his bed in the dark, his eyes half-open. An analog cartoon clock reads roughly 11 PM.

Panel Three: Chibi Cal is drooping forward, his eyes closed. The clock now reads about 12:40 AM.

PAnel Four: Chibi Cal is laying down, under the covers. The clock says 1:20 AM.

Panel Five: Back to now. Cal's hands are covering his face as he groans. He thinks to himself. "I couldn't stay up to ask him where he was all..." SFX: ~groan~

Panel Six: Cal's hands are on either side of his face as he looks upwards in shock and concern. He thinks, "What is on my legs?"

Panel Seven: Cal lifts his head off his pillow slightly and looks down in horror. "...Oh, no..." he says.

Author Note

SURPRISE! For you AND Cal.

Grayscale just looks better on monitors than screentones, so I'm switching things up. I'm ALSO giving my patrons the comic in full color. So, if you'd like to see the comic a whole day early AND in color - It's only $1! Also, thank you for being patient with the delay. Color is a bit more involved than black and white, AND Clip decided to crash and take a bunch of work with it. :/

But what do you think is on Cal's legs?


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- Bran

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