Current Voting Incentive - 4 Year Comic Anniversary Picture!

Plague Rat – Chapter 4, Page 15


Panel One: Cal and DJ are pulling out chairs to join Fern at the table. Cal sets a large, antique-looking bag on the table. "Sorry!" he says, "I had to pack my bag." Fern tilts her head and looks at it. "That's your school bag?" she asks.

Panel Two: Open panel, a close-up of the bag. It's a hard case bag covered in black leather, with thick, black metal strappings around it set with brass studs. It's wider at the base than the top, as wide as a normal suitcase, but shorter and longer than an average briefcase. Hinges near the base on one side show it hinges open. "It was my grandpa's," Cal says, "He was a doctor." There's an oval brass nameplate on the side, with a mongram on it. Fern reads the monogram aloud, "'C - R - M.' Are those his initials?"

Panel Three: A wide panel of the area they're sitting in. They are all sitting at a single table, tucked between bookcases like a small nook. In the background, past DJ, can be seen a larger table with room for six in the corner. Cal has opened his bag and is taking out an inkwell as he explains, "They're both of ours." "Oh! You're junior?" asks Fern. "No," says Cal, "I just have his first name. My middle name is my dad's, and our last names just happen to start with the same letter." DJ is quietly unpacking his satchel while the other two talk. He's looking at Cal as he's speaking.

Panel Four: Shot from over Cal's shoulder. We can see the back of his head. Fern looks puzzled and gestures with a pencil as she asks, "Wait, so... What's your name?" Cal says, "Mine is Callum Raul Martinez. His was Callum Rajendra Mackenzie."

Panel Five: "And what's your middle name, DJ?" Fern asks. DJ looks up from his bag and says, "Copernicus." Fern gives DJ a sly look and quips, "Well, at least you know you're not the center of the universe."

Author Note


What's in a name? Quite a lot, actually!

Fun fact - Cal has a Scottish first name and Hispanic last name. While Cal's last name was in my head from the beginning, I decided on a Scottish first name because my grandpa was Scottish, but his first name was Lorenzo!

DJ's parents are just nerds. Can you tell?

Apologies for the late comic! My computer restarted on its own once and I lost a lot of work, and later on it crashed, and I lost all the work AGAIN...

Also my tablet failed. 

Twice. T_T

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- Bran

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