Current Voting Incentive - 4 Year Comic Anniversary Picture!

Plague Rat – Chapter 4, Page 41


Panel One: Full body side view of the Headmaster as he jabs hard at DJ, who is laying on his side, partially curled up. He gets DJ in his upper right arm. SFX: JAB!

Panel Two: Extreme closeup of DJ's face as he's hit, visible through the mesh of his mask. He has a pained expression, cleanching his teeth and his eyes are shut tight. SFX: FLINCH!

Panel Three: Cal is leaning over the edge of the walkway, his hands gripping the railing tightly. Zane is just behind him, to the right of the panel. Cal's glaring and snarling as he says, in Spanish, "That sonuva bitch..." The background around and behind him is red, fading into black, with white cracks on the edges. Zane looks terrified, and his hands are up as he draws back and says, "Cal...?"

Panel Four: Closeup of the Headmaster's head and shoulders, and the instructor's wooden fencing sword as it comes into the frame to block him from going further. "Sir!" she says, from off-panel.

Panel Five: Long shot of the Headmaster, DJ, and the instructor. The headmaster in standing facing the instructor, holding his blades at his sides. In the background, between them, DJ is on his knees, taking off his fencing mask. His sword, gauntlets and cloak are on the floor around him. The instructor's back is mostly to us, the wooden sword now pointed down in front of her. "The match is yours," she says to the headmaster.

Panel Six: Close in shot of DJ from the front, facing the viewer. He's on his knees, gripping at the sore spot on his right arm with his left hand. His hangs his head so his face can't be seen, and his hair is messy from the mask. Behind him stands the headmaster, visible from the hips down. He says to DJ, "Your footwork still needs improvement. This was... Disappointing."

Author Note

Oof - Poor DJ.

And poor Zane! Last time he saw Cal mad, he was honestly afraid that Cal would flip a cafeteria table on him.

But it's been a bit, huh? I've had a lot going on behind the scenes! My wife continues to heal well (yay!) and we now have a roommate! He moved from out of state and will be staying with us until he finds a place of his own in the area. I've been busy making space for him in the spare room and such, in addition to normal life stuff. Lucky us, he loves to cook and he's great at it. Win-win!

Watch Your Fingers!

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