Current Voting Incentive - 4 Year Comic Anniversary Picture!

Plague Rat – Chapter 4, Page 42


Panel One: Head shot of Cal, angrily looking downwards. The background is dark and filled with his thoughts in white text. He's covering a lot of it, but it's generally angry thoughts about why or how people can stand by and let DJ get hurt.

Panel Two: Cal and Zane, from along the walkway. Zane is in the background, reaching towards Cal. He looks concerned as he says, "Cal, st-" Cal jerks his shoulder away from Zane's hand, his back to him. He's glaring and says, "Don't touch me." The speech bubble is black with white lettering, reflecting Cal's angry tone.

Panel Three: Low shot with DJ still kneeling and holding his arm on the right side. On the left, in the foreground, are the fencing instructor's legs. "How's your arm?" she asks. DJ's head is angled downwards, and his hair is falling messily around his face. His face is turned towards her and he's glaring. "I'll be fine," he says.

Panel Four: Shot of Cal shouldering his way through a wall of student fencers. The camera is level with his face, which highlights how short he is. He's muttering and still glaring as he works his way through, "'Scuse me... Sorry... Comin' through..."

Panel Five: Head and shoulders shot of DJ. He lifts his head up in surprise as he hears Cal, from off-panel. "DJ?"

Panel Six: With his right side towards the viewer, Cal is on one knee and looking up into DJ's face. "Are you okay?" he asks. He looks worried or sad. DJ's body is facing the viewer but he's looking at Cal. He looks very sad and hurt, and is still clutching his arm. The background fades to white on Cal's side.

Author Note

Cal's ready to bust some heads, but that's not what DJ needs, right now.

Cal's also understandibly mad at almost everyone, and who can blame him? Granted, as far as anyone knows, the headmaster's just being harsh by not pulling his punches during fencing. Even Cal doesn't know how bad things really are for DJ, but he's learning quick.

Keep Hydrated!

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