Current Voting Incentive - 4 Year Comic Anniversary Picture!

Plague Rat – Chapter 4, Page 8


Panel One: Wider shot from behind DJ, who's now sitting up on his bed, and Cal, still leaning out of the bathroom door. DJ says, "She's a Class 2." "A what?" asks Cal. "A Class 2 Carrier," DJ continues, "Don't you know about them?" Cal looks very confused as he says, "No. Carriers are Carriers, right?"

Panel Two: DJ holds up three fingers as he explains, "Oh, no! There are three types of Carrier."

Panel Three: Thin, sparse panel with some words balloons in it. "Three?" says Cal, "What type am I?" "We are Class 1 Carriers," DJ answers.

Panel Four: Wide panel. Three random Yersnia students geared up in full student doctor uniforms are walking outside, presumably chatting amongst themselves. DJ's words line the top and bottom of the frame. "We're the most common, but also the most infectious. We don't leave the city or designated Carrier-only areas without our masks, hoods and gloves."

Panel Five: Another wide panel. A chibi Cal stands in lower left corner, holding a black plague doctor mask. "But why the beaked masks?" he asks. The panel has a pale-toned color background with some swirls on it. Most of the panel is taken up by five more masks, scattered in the frame at various angles. One looks like a dragon, one is covered in elaborate designs, one looks like a fox, another one is a puffin, and the classic plain black mask is on the far right. DJ answers, "It's traditional, and they filter the air better. Bird-like ones are the most common, but some people get creative! Only doctors and students wear black ones, though."

Author Note

Time for some LORE!

Okay, not ONLY am I on Webtoon and Tapas (where you can donate Ink - click here), I'm also posting on Global Comix! I have two separate versions up, the Book version and the Mobile version. Since they offer paid issues, I'm working on getting the PDFs of 1-3 up and available on their site. You follow me on Global Comix here:

Schedule Your Flu Shot!
- Bran

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