Current Voting Incentive - 4 Year Comic Anniversary Picture!

Plague Rat – Chapter 5, Page 11


Panel One: Cal rubs his hand on his head, with his eyes squinted shut like he's in pain. He says, "Yeah. He woke me up, and..." He makes a noise: "ERGH!"

Panel Two: Headshot of Cal in profile; he's on the left side of the frame. He's pulled his hand away and is looking down at the ground. "I - I told him to run, so I wouldn't get him sick."

Panel Three: Headshot of Ian, still smoking, in profile; he's on the right side of the frame. He's writing in his notebook. "Damn," he thinks.

Panel Four: View of the corridor from outside. Students are passing by in the foreground, going about their business. Ian, on the left, asks, "And then what?" "I dunno," Cal says, "That must've been when I blacked out."

Panel Five: Ian takes off his reading glasses and is digging around in his jacket pocket with his other hand. "Well, it's a start," he says. Cal is in the foreground, with his back to the viewer. He's rubbing his temples with his fingertips, clearly in pain. SFX: "ughhh..."

Panel Six: Extreme closeup of Ian's hand, holding a business card. It says: Ian D. Taylor | Yersinia Disaster Response | Contact Tracer, Team #12 | Wire: Yer - ITrace

Author Note

In which Cal remembers an important detail.

The "Wire" line on Ian's business card is his telegram address or code. Not everyone has one, but since travel is part of his job, he needs one. Historically, for individuals, your city code would precede whatever you decided to use as your address. Usually people would use some combination of initals and job title, or maybe a short phrase, like Ian here.

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