Current Voting Incentive - Color Panel of DJ's Thumbs Up!

Plague Rat – Chapter 5, Page 22


Panel One: Narration: "Later..." View of the finish science project. Two long, thin plots of dirt are side by side. The one on the left has the blue tarp shading it; the tarp has been made into a little tent. The one on the right is exposed to the sun, with stakes at each corner, and a rope going from stake to stake to fence off the plot.

Panel Two: Long shot of Cal, the children, and Fern. "YAY!" the children shout. They're crowded in front of the teens, some sitting, some standing, all of them visibly dirtier than before and looking accomplished and happy. Cal is laughing - SFX: HaHa! - while he pulls his shirt back on. "You did it!" says Fern, leaning over the children with her hands on her knees.

Panel Three: Cal claps his hands once again - SFX: >clap!< >clap!< - and says, "Great job, goslings!" The children are now all standing in front of him, looking up at him with their backs to us.

Panel Four: Side view of Cal's upper half as he bends down to be on eye level with the children. He's smiling and holding up a finger for emphasis. "There's just one more step left:" he says, "We gotta clean up before we can eat!" The children aren't happy about this, and their expressions go from shock to disgust. Words hover above them, expressing their annoyance. "Boo!" "Aww, man..." "Ugh..."

Author Note

Mission Accomplished!

Cute Lore - Cal calls the children "goslings" because that's what little kids were called in his hometown.

Sorry for the late comic! We had a big event this past weekend so I wasn't able to work on it as much as I'd hoped.

Wear Your Sunscreen,

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