Current Voting Incentive - 4 Year Comic Anniversary Picture!

Plague Rat – Chapter 5, Page 30


Panel One: Extreme closeup of Fern's hands as she ties her wrappings into a secure bow knot. From off-panel, Cal asks, "That's it?" SFX: >tug< >tug<

Panel Two: View over Cal's shoulder as Fern slumps in the hanging seat she's tied her herself. One loop runs under her knees, and the other under her shoulders. Her arms hang out to the sides in a defeated fashion, and her gaze is downcast. ">Sigh< My family doesn't get it," she says. The background is dark and gloomy. SFX: SLUMP

Panel Three: Full-width panel in the middle of the page, with Cal and Fern in profile. Cal crosses his arms, listening, and Fern has flexed so that she's looking at him upside-down. "I'm just not into performing! I like the people and the spolight, but I love just doing the moves more," she says, "I want to know how the whole... Machine works."

Panel Four: Extreme perspective panel with Fern's outstretched hand in the foreground, and her face in the background. Her expression is soft as she looks at her hand. "It's just... Amazing," she says. The word balloon and background are both dreamy-looking.

Panel Five: Wider shot of them. "Ugh! Why am I telling you all this?" Fern says, curling upside-down to the point where she's facing away from Cal and hanging by her knees. SFX: Swing! She's covering her face with her hands to hide her blushing. Cal is bent over, laughing. "It's okay! he says. SFX: >Ha ha!<

Author Note

MORE Fern Lore! Do you think she's telling Cal this because he's the first person who bothered to really ask, or because he's just got the vibe that makes people just... Talk?

I think it's a bit of both.

The Ren Fest continues to kick my butt and eat my time. Which is a good problem to have - I'm selling a lot of chainmaille, but that means I have to make a lot of chainmaille each week to keep the cart full! I also have to rest my hands so I don't get a carpal tunnel flare-up, which would cause more delays.

But I'm still chugging away! October will see me back on schedule, more or less.

It's almost FALL!

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