Current Voting Incentive - 4 Year Comic Anniversary Picture!

Plague Rat – Chapter 5, Page 33


Panel One: View of Cal from behind as he throws open the window panes, which open to the sides. There's a beautiful sunset outside. "There!" he says, "Much better!"

Panel Two: View of their window from outside. Cal is leaning out, resting his forearms on the window sill. He's smiling with his eyes closed as he enjoys the fresh air. "Ahh..." he says. Behind him, a little ways into the room, DJ is looking out of the window, towards the reader. He's still a bit stunned.

Panel Three: Closeup shot of Cal he looks over his shoulder at DJ/the reader. Behind him are clouds lit by the sunset, which casts a soft, romantic light around him. Dreamy sparkles also surround him as he says, "It's beautiful out. Wanna join me?"

Panel Four: Head and shoulders shot of DJ, blushing and smiling awkwardly as he says, "Oh, uh, yeah! Sure." He looks like he's not sure what to do with his hands, and the background is full of soft, hazy pentagons.

Panel Five: View of the their window from outside again. Cal is still leaning on the window sill, smiling broadly and looking into the distance. DJ is next to him now, his body turned towards Cal, and with his hand resting lightly on the window sill. He's also looking into the distance, with a small, soft smile on his face.

Author Note

Cal introduces DJ to the concept of Fresh Air!

But seriously, I had so much fun with this page, especially the "DJ-o-Vision" one! XD

You may or may not have noticed the voting button at the top of the page. If you click it, you'll go to Top Web Comics, where you can vote for Plague Rat! You can vote for the comic once a day, and if I make it near the top, I get... Bragging rights! No, not really, it's mostly free advertising for me so I can hopefully attract more readers, but I want to at least make it worth your while!  

<= Hit it!

Clicking the button and voting for Plague Rat gets you ~ <drumroll> ~ A color panel from this page! Guess which one. ^_~

And that's the fun part of it. Comic artists can offer incentives to vote for their comic! I'll be offering specific color panels, fun facts, and other bonus art for people who vote for me! And don't worry - Lots of comic artists are in on the voting. You can vote for as many comics as you like every day, so feel free to go and click on all of your favs right now. It's a friendly competition, and it gets reset at the end of every month.

I'll try to remember to put the link here, too, when I update so you don't have to scroll back up each time.


Bundle Up! It's Getting Chilly!

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