Current Voting Incentive - Color Panel of DJ's Thumbs Up!

Plague Rat – Chapter 5, Page 4


Panel One: Narration: "Morning" Head shot of Cal as he enters Dr. King's office. He's wearing his Goose Design tshirt. He looks surprised as he says, "Hello, Dr. King, I'm - Oh!"

Panel Two: Shot over Cal's head of Dr. King seated at her desk, which is covered in a mess of paperwork. She's surrounded by four new people, with two on each side. Everyone is staring at Cal. "Good morning, Cal," she says, looking apologetic, "I'm afraid we have to cancel today's session." From left to right are: A tall, pale, thin man in his 30s with black hair. He wears a brown leather jacket with a dark red tshirt underneath, blue jeans and brown motorcycle boots. He has a small notebook in his hands and is standing a bit apart from the rest. Next is a short, heavyset older woman with short, curly gray hair and a lighter complexion. She's wearing a navy skirt and jacket, with a white blouse. She has big, octagonal glasses and is holding a large, album-like ledger. Dr. King is next, and she seems to be in the middle of signing papers. She's wearing a short bolero jacket fastened with a single button. A tattoo of a sunflower is partially visible on her right arm, peeking out from under her sleeve. Next to her is a woman wearing a brightly-patterned wrap dress in turquoise blue tones. She has a hawkish nose, darker complexion, and her brick red hair is pulled back in a French braid that's fallen over her right shoulder. She's leaning in front of Dr. King, pointing at a spot on the paperwork as though indicating where to sign next. Last is a taller, masculine-presenting person wearing Class 2 Carrier wrappings on their arms and legs like Fern. They're a little heavy, and have a medium skin tone with slightly wavy, chin-length silver hair. They're wearing a plum-colored, doublet-style top with a white lace-up collar and medium gray capris with dark grey and white high-top sneakers. They're leaning over a binder on the desk, and a Celtic knotwork tattoo in grey, green and gold is visible on their left shoulder.

Panel Three: Wide panel broken up into closeups of the three people directly surrounding Dr. King's desk. She says, from off-panel, "These people are here to speak with you." First panel is of the older woman. "This is Ms. Bansari Ward," says Dr. King. Ms. Ward has a sweet, grandmotherly and professional look to her, and we can also see that she has green eyes and is wearing small gemstone drop earrings. In the middle panel is the younger woman. "Mrs. Summer Navares," says Dr. King. Mrs. Navares is smiling, and she has large, dark blue eyes. Her gold necklace and earrings are more visible, and they pair beautifully with her dress. She even has a hair tie on her braid that matches. The last panel is of the tall, silver-haired person. "And Mx. John Piveteau," says Dr. King, "They're lawyers." Mx. Piveteau has light brown eyes with small lines under them, and triangular amber stud earrings. From this close, it's clear that their wrappings, unlike Fern's, are just separate sleeves with lines printed on them to look like wraps. Their tattoo, now more visible, is a stylized stained glass window with a stone-looking frame, filled with gold Celtic knots on a green background. They are all smiling warmly at Cal / the viewer.

Panel Four: Head and shoulders view of the last person, the man standing off to the side of the room. "And this is Ian Taylor." says Dr. King, again from off-panel, "He's a contact tracer." Ian's short black hair is brushed forward from his crown, and his dark blue eyes are almost navy. He looks to be of mostly East Asian descent. We can see that his hair looks to be thinning slightly, and he is so thin he has noticeable cheekbones. He has a small round stud earring with a green gemstone in his visible ear, and there are glasses and a pencil poking out of the left breast pocket of his jacket. Ian's glaring slightly, and his mouth is turned downwards into a frown. Lines under his eyes indicate dark circles. It's unclear if he's angry or sizing Cal / the viewer up.

Panel Five: Side view of Ms. Ward and Cal as she walks towards him, her hand extended. "Specifically, we're your lawyers, Mr. Martinez," she says, "And we need your help." Cal is drawing back in shock.

Author Note

Poor Dr. King. Cal has no legal guardians, so the paperwork that would normally fall to them that he can't sign has to be taken care of by her. She's so out of her depth, but at least the team are nice people. Still, she's probably thinking, "It's too early for this!"

Another reminder that Steel City Con is NEXT MONTH! AAAAHHHHH!!!

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