Current Voting Incentive - 4 Year Comic Anniversary Picture!

Plague Rat – Chapter 5, Page 6


Panel One: Side view of Cal as he lets out a breath, his eyes closed. "I can give you a list of my friends who left town to study, and where they went," he says.

Panel Two: Just dialogue, one a gradient background. Ms. Ward asks, "What about your family?" Cal answers, "Most of them lived in Ocaton, but my cousin Iris moved to Briar Glenn after she got married."

Panel Three: Cal takes a sip of tea. "She and guy were going to open another Silly Goose there," he says, with a sad smile, "I guess they'll be taking over the shop, huh?" From off-panel, Mrs. Navares says, "Well, that would be up to you."

Panel Four: Mx. Piveteau says, from off-panel, "You inherited almost everything." Extreme closeup of Cal's almost-empty tea cup as he sets it down on its saucer. SFX >Clink!< "Right," says Cal.

Panel Five: Shot from behind Cal and Dr. King. She has her hand on his shoulder again, and he's slumped over a bit. At the other end of the table, Mx. Piveteau and Mrs. Navares look at each other with worried/awkward expressions, having just realized how careless they were with their words.

Panel Six: Ms. Ward clears her throat (SFX: >ahem<) and says, looking at a ledger, "We know it must be hard being the only Carrier in your family - "

Panel Seven: Ms. Ward looks surprised as Cal interrupts, from off-panel, "But I'm not."

Author Note

Now -there's- a surprise. Cal's not the only one!

Also - I've been participating in a monthly Prompt challenge over on my Tumblr. It's called "Whumpcember" and all of my entries center around the comic. I'm not doing any spoilers, so if you would like an extra helping of Whump to counter the holiday cheer, check it out! My Tumblr is:

Steel City Con starts TOMORROW! Hope to see you there! ^_^

See You Soon!

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