Current Voting Incentive - 4 Year Comic Anniversary Picture!

Plague Rat – Chapter 1, Page 11


Panel One: We see the merchant's leg and shoe in foreground, and Cal collapsed in front of him. The man says, "Aww, poor thing. What a shame."

Panel Two: He says, "I'll take that," and steals Cal's blanket. He has a cruel smile.

Panel Three: Cal, still unconscious, has rolled over and we can see the fine pocketwatch he's clutching. "Ohh, and that," the man says, reaching forward.

Panel Four: Cal opens his eyes and asks weakly, "No... What... What are you doing?"

Panel Five: Cal's POV. The man is in shadow, silhouetted againt the bright sunlight. He's shocked, and gasps. "Callum?"

Author Note

Ooo, more of the baddie! Yeah, he's a jerkwad. Stealing blankets from a deathly ill kid passed out in the middle of the road.

As for the pocketwatch, yes, that's a monogram. Good eye! Highlight to read ➔ CRM

But that's all the extra information you're getting for now! Unless, of course, you want to go join the Discord Server I set up. I have a spoilers section where you can ask me questions, and I will answer. All answers will be under a spoiler block so that no one sees anything they didn't want to, so if all you want are, say, some names, that's all you'll see.

My screen name on Discord is RabbitDance, much like my handle on Twitch. 

Well, back to drawing the comic!

Keep Your Distance,
- Bran

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