Current Voting Incentive - 4 Year Comic Anniversary Picture!

Plague Rat – Chapter 2, Page 36


Panel One: "That's awesome!" says DJ, as he bounds excitedly towards Cal with his hand up and ready for a high five. "Yeah!" says Cal, who is leaning forward and bringing his foot back.

Panel Two: A closeup of Cal's shoe connecting with the side of DJ's boot. SFX: *BUMP!*

Panel Three: DJ falling down. "Whoa!" he says.

Panel Four: DJ is half-sprawled on the floor, rubbing his backside. The paper and his hat are next to him. "Ow!" From off-panel, Cal says, "Sorry! Did I kick too hard?"

Panel Five: "Why did you kick me?" DJ asks. Wide shot of an angry DJ on the hallway floor and Cal nervously trying to explain himself. "Uhm... Because that's what you do when something cool happens? You foot bump?" Cal says.

Panel Six: DJ's surprised face as he realizes something.

Panel Seven: DJ, still on the floor, starts to laugh. "Hahaha!" Cal is standing there nervously, his left hand gripping his right arm. He thinks to himself, "Oh, great... What did I do now?"


Author Note

Sweep the leg, Cal!

Or maybe don't do that.

Early on in the pandemic, I saw people exchanging a foot bump as a greeting in place of a handshake, and also in place of a high five. I figured that the habit would survive on the Outside, but not amongst Carriers, since they don't have to worry about infections. So, high fives are yet another "Carrier Thing" that Cal has to learn about.



Stay Safe!
- Bran

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