Current Voting Incentive - Color Panel of DJ's Thumbs Up!

Plague Rat – Chapter 3, Page 11

New Info:
DJ has two moms, one is named Bijoux.
His dad doesn't like Bijoux.
DJ's parents divorced fifteen years ago.
His dad still wears the ring.
The man has a violent temper.

If you need help, please call - US DV Hotline: 800-799-7233 or text "START" to 88788


Content Warning: -Heavily Implied- Domestic Violence / Child Abuse. Nothing is shown, but it's quite obvious what happens. Skip to the description for new plot info if you don't want to look.

Panel One: Wide shot with dad's desk in the foreground, and DJ in the background, sitting half-curled up in the chair with his cup of coffee. His dad (we only see his arm) is tossing the intake form on the desk and says, "I'm going to have to talk to her about this whole... Roommate situation." DJ's looking into his cup as he says, "Bijoux's pretty busy this week. She and mom have some date nights planned."

Panel Two: His dad says, from off-panel, "I meant your real mother." DJ's in his chair, glaring in his dad's direction, the cup near his face as though he just took a sip. "Bijoux is my real mother," he says, "I have two."

Panel Three: Higher angle, over his dad's shoulder. The man's standing now, and we still only see the back of his head, but now we can also see a red cross on the back of his black cloak. "No, she isn't!" he shouts at DJ, whose teeth are slightly bared in a bit of a snarl, "She-"

Panel Four: Profile shot of DJ as he shouts back at his father. The background is black with a white burst centered on his face. "She is married to your ex, dad!" he shouts, "It's been fifteen years!" His next words are in a burst speech bubble and more bolded, sketchy font. "GET OVER IT!"

Panel Five: A close-up shot of his dad's left hand as he reaches for his walking stick. The body of the cane is shiny and black, while the handle is straight and made of silver. The handle is mainly covered in fine, diamond-patterned engraving, with an inscription near the end and a slightly flared top with a smooth, low dome. The inscription is only partially visible, but "-m Nil Noce-" can be seen. On the man's hand, we can see his wedding band glinting in the light.

Panel Six: Lower angle, this time from behind DJ's dad and level with DJ's face. DJ's shrank back into his seat a bit, and has both hands on the arms of the chair he's sitting in. His eyes are locked on the walking stick that his dad carries. The mans' speech bubble is black and hazy, with scratchy, white text. He says, "Don't you take that tone with me."

Author Note

Yep, this one is heavy. If you're in a similar situation, please reach out to your local organizations for help!
Here's the info again if you need it - US DV Hotline: 800-799-7233 or text "START" to 88788

It's okay to ask for help,
- Bran

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