Current Voting Incentive - 4 Year Comic Anniversary Picture!

Plague Rat – Chapter 2, Page 29


Panel One: "Evening." A wide shot of their room. The only light is DJ's desk lamp. Cal is sitting on his bed, wearing a pair of plaid, button-up pajamas with long sleeves. He has a comb in his hand and a disgusted look on his face. "Would your dad really get mad if you ate dinner with the others?" he asks. DJ is seated at his desk, and turns towards Cal to say, with a glare, "Yeah, it's like he can sense if I'm having a good time."

Panel Two: Cal starts to comb his hair and says, "Ugh. Well, he's gonna have to learn how to deal with it." "Deal with what?" DJ asks, from off-panel.

Panel Three: DJ sitting at his desk, turned sideways in his chair. Cal says, from off-panel, "The nagging feeling that you maybe, just might be enjoying yourself." DJ smiles slightly at that and gives a small laugh. "Heh."

Panel Four: DJ is starting to laugh more, and hides his grin with his hand. Cal is now by DJ, and points at DJ's face. Cal is smiling as he says, "Ah! See? I'll bet that right now, he's mad and he doesn't know why."

Panel Five: Cal adopts a stern posture, with one hand behind his back and the other by his face in a thinking position. He has an exaggerated sneer on his face and looks towards the ceiling, doing his best impression of what he thinks DJ's dad must be like. "Is my son... Laughing?" he says. The speech bubble has a thick outline, indicating that he changed his voice. DJ's laughing even harder, and says, "Haha! Oh God, that's perfect!"

Author Note

Cal proves that you don't need to have met someone to do a good impression of them! He's run into enough controlling jerks to know exactly what to do. And while Cal may be a genuinely nice person, he's not above trashing a man he's never met behind his back if it means making his new friend laugh.

Speaking of - DJ smiles! For real! ^_^ Aww.

And today is Saturday, which means it's also - STEEL CITY CON! Come by the table and say Hello! I've got copies of the first issue, along with cool stickers and buttons for sale.


Have a Safe Weekend!
- Bran

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