Current Voting Incentive - 4 Year Comic Anniversary Picture!

Plague Rat – Chapter 4, Page 20


Panel One: The slender girl with braids asks, "Still, are you going to ask him for a dance next month?" Tasha pushes herself up on her hands excitedly and says, "Ooo, do it, do it! Power couple!"

Panel Two: Fern looks disgusted as she says, "Ugh, no! I'm plenty powerful by myself, thank you." "Yeah, and you won't get expelled," Geri says, taking a bite of her pizza.

Panel Three: Wide panel of the four of them with a cute square-patterned background. One the far left is Fern, who says, "I wouldn't get expelled for just dancing with him." "Har oo shur? (are you sure?)" asks Geri, as she struggles with some extra-stretchy cheese on her slice of pizza. "I've danced with him. He's really good!" the other girl says. Tasha, looking up from the floor, says, "Cotillion doesn't count, Portia!"

Panel Four: Low shot of Tasha, holding a cup in one hand. She looks worried as she says, "Remember that one kid on the fencing team? He left town after he had DJ show him some moves!"

Panel Five: Fern rolls her eyes and makes a dismissive gesture as she says, "That's just a coincidence. I heard he transferred to Neophage." From off panel, soneone say,s "But what if it wasn't?"

Author Note

Time for some DJ-centric lore, including some potentially dangerous gossip!
Happy New Year!
- Bran

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