Current Voting Incentive - 4 Year Comic Anniversary Picture!

Plague Rat – Chapter 5, Page 42


Panel One: Cal pulls his chair away from the table to sit back down from handing in his test. DJ is looking down at a book. SFX: Pull

Panel Two: Cal starts writing something in his notebook.

Panel Three: Extreme closeup of Cal's notebook, with two of his fingertips in the frame. The paper says, "I think I did okay. You?" He's sliding it towards DJ. SFX: slide

Panel Four: Cal is looking at DJ, with an exclamation point over his head indicating attention. He's tapping on his notebook. He's gotten DJ's attention. DJ is looking down at the notebook, with a question mark over his head. SFX: tap tap 

Panel Five: DJ shrugs. The background is full of question marks.

Panel Six: Cal gives DJ a thumbs up and we can tell he's smiling behind his mask. There's a panel over his head with his handwriting; a response to DJ. "I'm sure you did great!" The background is full of cute, happy cat faces.

Panel Seven: DJ gives a thumbs up back, with a sparkling background.

Panel Eight: DJ taps on his book, showing that he's going to go back to it. Cal writes, "Okay!"


Author Note

A "Silent" page. The animator in me loves using body language and drawing expressions, even if they're mostly hidden behind a mask.
This exchange reminds me of when I was in school! ^_^ I like to think that if Dr. Morris noticed, he'd be glad because this is Normal Student behavior and DJ just... Doesn't do that. Seeing him interact with his peers is probably something of a relief to his teachers.
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