Current Voting Incentive - 4 Year Comic Anniversary Picture!

Plague Rat © Brandy Sinclair, 2022 - Book 2, Page 15

Plague Rat – Chapter 2, Page 15


Panel One: Cal is surprised at DJ's answer and says, "No way! You seriously spend all of your time in here?" DJ gestures a bit and says, "Well, no, not all."

Panel Two: Cal crosses his arms and says, smirking a bit, "Obviously. But you gotta do more than just study all day."

Panel Three: DJ's bent over again, and looking sad. He is surrounded by shadow. Off-frame, Cal asks, "Right?"

Panel Four: Cal looks horrified as he says, "DJ, you can't-"

Panel Five: DJ looks at the ground and says, "No, that's mostly what I do all day, every day." Cal's arms are around his knee and he also looks sad as he replies, "Oh..."

Panel Six: Cal smiles a bit cautiously and says, "Well... At least now you've got me here, right?" DJ sits up a bit and says, with a slight smile, "Yeah."

Author Note

Finally, something approaching a real smile from DJ. Who knows when he last had anything approaching such a candid conversation with someone?

And WHOA! It's almost the end of January already! Where'd it go?! Anyway, I'm almost done with this issue, so keep your eyes peeled for the opportunity to get it in digital format, soon. I'll be sure to make an announcement when it's ready.

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- Bran

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