Current Voting Incentive - 4 Year Comic Anniversary Picture!

Plague Rat – Chapter 5, Page 23


Panel One: Side view of Cal marching along somewhat comically, with the group of children gathered around him. "C'mon, move those tailfeathers!" he says, smiling. Fern follows a bit behind the group.

Panel Two: Close up of Fern. There's a little mark indicating surprise next to her face. "I can't believe it!" she thinks.

Panel Three: Fern's thoughts as she thinks back. "Cal got them to pay attention." Cal is holding up a sheet of paper with the experiment on it, smiling and pointing to it as the children look on.

Panel Four: Fern's thoughts again. "He got them working together." Cartoonish shots of the children planting seeds in one plot and building the tent cover over the other. The children are represented as chibi mannequin-like figures.

Panel Five: Last of Fern's thoughts as we see Cal watching over a group of children washing their hands at a stone fountain on the side of the building. "He's even getting them to clean!"

Panel Six: Low angle shot from the kid's eye level. Cal leans over the three children and says, with an excited look on his face, "If you hurry, you can meet Inspector Rabbit!" One of them turns to him and asks, "Who's Inspector Rabbit?" "You'll see!" he answers. Behind him, Fern  has a quizzical look on her face as she thinks, "What is he talking about?"

Panel Seven: Shot from behind Fern and slightly over her shoulder. Her arms are crossed as she looks at Cal. "Okay, Gather 'round!" he says, as he holds a dark blue bandana between his hands. The children are grouped in front of him, looking on curiously. "Who is this guy?" Fern asks herself.

Author Note

Like DJ, Fern is also realizing that she has no idea who this guy is, or what he's capable of.

Also... I realized that over HALF of the pages for this chapter have crowd scenes on them. Why do I do this to myself?!

I need someone to stand over my shoulder with a newspaper when I draft out the next chapter so they can bonk me on the head every time I add a crowd scene.

Wear Your Sunscreen,

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