Current Voting Incentive - Color Panel of DJ's Thumbs Up!

Plague Rat – Chapter 3, Page 7


Panel One: Cal, Royce and DJ are all happily cuddling the kittens, smiling and laughing.

Panel Two: Outside the stables. Royce says, "See you later!" Cal and DJ turn back as they walk down the dirt path, away from Royce, who is in the foreground. Cal is waving at Royce. "Thanks again!" he says.

Panel Three: Middle shot of Cal and DJ as they are walking. The bell is tolling. SFX: BONG! BONG! BONG! Cal says, "Wait, it's eleven already?" DJ says, "I was going to wake you up earlier, but you had a cat on you." "Ah. DJ?" "Yeah?" Cal looks nervous as he continues, while DJ looks pensive. "About last night, I, uhm - "

Panel Four: DJ suddenly looks shocked as he realizes something. The background behind him is a scribbly, black burst. "Wait, it's Thursday?" he exclaims. Cal looks confused. "?"

Panel Five: "I have to get to the lab, Dr. Carter's waiting!" DJ says. DJ is looking over hsi shoudler as he starts to run. "Back after Chem!" "Later," says Cal, with a wave.

Panel Six: "Thursday the 20th," Cal thinks to himself. Profile shot of Cal, the wind ruffling his hair as a few leaves drift by. He's looking slightly upwards, with a melancholy expression. "Happy birthday to me, I guess."

Author Note

At least his birthday started off with kittens. Cal's 15!
It's hard to imagine that Sci Fi Valley Con is only a week away! My first con under my name with my comic! WHOO!!!  Who am I gonna see?


Keep Your Masks On,
- Bran

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